Monday, October 5, 2009

1972 Cessna 150L Restoration

The project airplane is a 1972 Cessna 150L model, serial number 15073047. The 150L was built starting in 1971 and continued through 1974. A total of 3777 L models were built. In 1972, 1029 were manufactured. All were powered by a Continental 0-200 engine which develops 100hp.

The project plane is cosmetically challenged both inside and out. The royalite wing tips, horizontal stabilizer tips, elevator tips, vertical stabilizer, rudder cap, lift strut fairings and landing gear fairings are cracked, brittel or broken. The paint is faded.

The interior carpet, door panels, side panels, headliner, door posts and seats are in need of replacement. The side and rear windows are fogged and need replacing.

The Instrument Panel covers are either missing or broken. The radios are out dated and the instruments are in need of overhauling.

The engine while it runs very well and is using only 5.5 gallons of fuel per hour. It uses almost as much oil.

The restoration will include topping the engine, new baffles, new plugs and wires and upgrading the pushrod tubes where most of the oil leakage comes from. All exterior roylite parts will be replaced with fiberglass ones. The panel will get a complete makeover to include overhaul of all flight instruments and upgrading the avionics. New side and rear glass. And of cousre a new paint job to the origianl factory paint scheme.